What is going out with the whole “get out of your comfort zone” thing?

2 min readMar 24, 2021

On average, how many times do we see motivational posts on Instagram encouraging us to get out of our comfort zones? A looot of times.

We’re told that we need to get out of our “bubble” in order to grow, that nothing good comes from not challenging ourselves, and this is true, but, there’re many ways to do it.

While many of us have been convinced that to get out of our comfort zones we need to do something drastic such as going on a trekking trip in Antarctica (or something like that, you get the point), we actually don’t need to be this drastic at all.

Think about it like this: What made you become a better cook? Did you try a new challenging recipe at home or did you pack everything you have and left for Paris to enroll in a world-renowned cooking class? What helps you become a better human being every day? Can you just smile and be genuinely nice to a cashier at the store or do you just achieve that by saving endangered species in Africa?

While the experiences I mentioned would certainly be great and would help you get in touch with new cultures and new parts of yourself, maybe we should first look around us.

Have you always thought you were someone who can’t learn languages? Then, disregard this belief and start taking a Chinese, German, Italian or English class. Do you fear judgment? Choose one of your passions, interests, experiences and talk about it on a YouTube channel. And, if you are afraid of the unknown, call a friend and book a skydiving lesson for you both.

You see, as a consequence of the society we live in, we’ve become accustomed not to look at what surrounds us, but just to dream and crave everything that is far away and that we don’t currently have. Don’t get me wrong, I do this too. But wouldn’t it be nice to realize that we can grow and get out of our bubbles without doing who knows what?

In this article, I talked about how we can get out of our comfort zones by just doing something in our everyday life that makes us a bit uncomfortable, but, by no means, I want to say that what we gain from this is the same as what we would gain through the experiences I mentioned before. Both of them have their advantages and will make you grow, just in different, but still incredible, ways.

Basically, besides the essays I wrote in High School, this is my first piece of writing, ever. And, you may think “yeah, we kind of noticed”, great. I would really appreciate constructive feedbacks that help me improve. Happy reading!




In a constant learning journey, which now took me on Medium to write, while learning about it in the process.